Take Action
Stolen’s Indiegogo campaign has ended but it is still possible to support our efforts to bring the story of slavery to the world.
STOLEN’s Campaign
There are at least 2 million black people living in slavery in North Africa.
STOLEN is a thought provoking and hard-hitting film that addresses the taboo of slavery in North Africa. In 2008 Human Rights Watch published a report on the camps and Western Sahara. It revealed that slavery still affects the black minority in the Polisario refugee camps and Western Sahara, the report included a liberation paper signed by the Polisario’s Ministry of Religious and Cultural Affairs. Nevertheless, most North African regimes including the Polisario refuse to acknowledge the existence of slavery, even the United Nations who monitor the camps refers to slavery as a cultural practice.
Something Fetim’s mother said puts this in perspective. She asked “what do you call it when a child is taken away from its parents?”
“Kidnapping, a crime!”
She then asked “what do they call it when they took my daughter away from me, a black woman?” She answered herself. “A cultural practice!”
Our aim is to get STOLEN to reach a wider audience, the film’s intention is to generate discussion about and attention to this ignored issue. We want slavery to be criminalised in every country in North Africa and legal action taken against the perpetrators. In the meantime, we want the families separated by slavery to be reunited.
We will organise charity screenings alongside a cinema release in the US in order to raise awareness of the problem and put pressure on international organisations such as the UN to take action.
CNN Freedom Project
This year CNN will join the fight to end modern-day slavery and shine a spotlight on the horrors of modern-day slavery, amplify the voices of the victims, highlight success stories and help unravel the complicated tangle of criminal enterprises trading in human life.
Write a letter to the Polisario
Email the Polisario representative Kamal Fadel – kfadel@netspace.net.au
Polisario Supporters
The Australian West Sahara Association – Email: info@awsa.org.au
The Norwegian Support Committee for Western Sahara, Jørn Henriksen – henriksen.jorn@gmail.com
Write a letter to the UN High Commission for Refugees
Ursula Aboubacar, UNHCR Deputy Director for MENA – ABOUBACA@unhcr.org
Radhouane Nouicer, UNHCR Director, Bureau for the Middle East and North Africa – NOUICER@unhcr.org
António Guterres, High Commissioner for Refugees – GUTERRES@unhcr.org
Host a fundraising screening
Email Dan Fallshaw: dan@unitednotionsfilm.com